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Présentation de la série Shinhoo GPAⅢ Pro : le système de circulation d'eau ultime

Jun 21, 2023

Le dernier produit innovant de Shinhoo Canned motor Pump Co., Ltd., la série GPAⅢ Pro, est un système de circulation d'eau intelligent qui offre une protection de sécurité complète et une optimisation des performances. Ses caractéristiques comprennent une soupape de surpression de sécurité, un réservoir d'eau d'expansion surdimensionné, un manomètre de précision, un capteur de température haute sensibilité, une vanne de dérivation réglable et une vanne à trois voies, etc. La conception du système peut être personnalisée en fonction de votre besoins spécifiques pour garantir des performances optimales. Que ce soit pour la production industrielle ou pour un usage domestique, les produits de la série GPAⅢ Pro de Shinhoo sont votre meilleur choix. Explorons les différents avantages de ce système et créons une nouvelle ère de génie dans le domaine de la circulation de l'eau !"

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Shinhoo Holds On-site Day丨Focus on Frontline Production and Safety

Shinhoo Holds On-site Day丨Focus on Frontline Production and Safety

Shinhoo held its on-site day event on November 11th, showcasing its dedication to frontline production and reiterating the importance of safety.   During the event, the company's general management and department leaders visited the workshop , gaining comprehensive insights into the company's operational process. They closely examined the production and testing equipment, as well as the advancements in technology and processes. Engaging in discussions with the production departments, they identified areas for improvement, emphasizing the need for more rigorous product sampling, standardized tooling identification, and increased promotion and demonstration of innovative processes.   During the conference, General Manager Han Zongmei emphasized the swift resolution of safety-related issues, urging everyone to prioritize safety and implement it in their actions.   Vice General Manager Huang Yafang highlighted the significance of strengthening communication with frontline workers in detecting potential issues and optimizing cost-effectiveness. She called for enhanced collaboration among different departments, advocating for a deep understanding of frontline production and effective supervision of frontline management. These efforts aim to foster overall team progress, carry forward the company's excellent traditions, maximize core competitiveness, and accelerate innovation and development. Shinhoo demonstrated its commitment to frontline production and underscored the importance of safety measures during on-site day event. We will continue its efforts in enhancing safety standards, improving production efficiency, and contributing to the pump's overall development.

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